5-room flat share / Luther Haus / VIII. District

More rooms in Shared Flats near your university:

Room: 5
Bath + WC
99 sqm
VIII. District


Bright, renovated 5-room apartment on the 3rd floor of the ‘Luther House’ on the corner of Kiss Joszef and Rákoczi ut. Luther House is a magnificent building in the center of which stands an old Slovak church.

More about the building and its history

Modern bathroom with washing machine, separate toilet, common fully equipped kitchen with small dining area, ready furnished rooms.

The common areas (kitchen, bathroom, toilet) are cleaned by us 2x a month – so this typical WG point of contention is omitted 🙂

Service charges are billed as a lump sum. If there is no excessive consumption (heating with open windows, Bitcoin mining, you surely understand what we mean..), nothing will be charged later on.

If you need help or something is not working as it should: We are on site and respond quickly. Our staff is basically multilingual (English, German, Spanish and of course Hungarian) and very dedicated.

We will welcome you here personally and show you around, so you will quickly settle in and feel comfortable.


Both the Keleti train station and the two metro stations Blaha Luijza (M2, as well as suburban lines 4 and 6) and Janos Pal Papa Ter (M4) are within a 5-minute walk. Therefore, you can reach practically any university in a few metro or tram stops. For example Semmelweis: 5 minutes walk to Blaha Luijza Square, there is an S4 or S6 train every 2-4 minutes, which takes you 3 stops.

Shopping facilities in the vicinity

  • Aldi
  • Lidl
  • Tesco
  • dm + Müller drugstores
  • Arena Plaza Shopping Mall
  • Europeum Shopping Mall


  • Fitness Studio R70
  • Janos Pal Papa Square with running track
  • Indoor Kart Center

Reachable in 10-15 min:

  • Semmelweis University buildings, clinics, libraries
  • University of Veterinary Medicine
  • Andrassy Gyula – German University
  • Obuda University

House rules

kiss2 grundriss - Immobilien in Budapest

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Die Kommunikation findet zu jeder Zeit in deutscher Sprache statt –
auch bei Terminen vor Ort in Budapest.

Choose your date to get to know each other -
of course free of charge.

Communication takes place in English at all times –
also for appointments on site in Budapest.