What does a condominium cost in Budapest? And what return can I expect?

When calculating the return, it is essential that we include the costs of the purchase including all ancillary costs, and that nothing is ‘calculated nicely’ here. This also applies to the ongoing operating and administrative costs. We focus on transparency here – even if that means that the projected return does not look as spectacular as you might secretly wish.

Many brokers argue with that Gross return since this is always higher, but has hardly any meaningfulness. Much more important, however, is that Net return resulting from the ratio of Net rental income to the used equity capital is calculated. The increase in value of the property is initially not taken into account in this calculation.

The expected increase in value can only be added in a second step. The bottom line is that the property should be able to sustain itself without increasing its value and generate a profit.

The Purchase Cost Calculator

If you are wondering what ancillary costs are incurred in total for a purchase, and from what rental income this pays off for you, you can take the test here:

Modernization costs

Sometimes the purchase of an inexpensive property that still needs to be refurbished is more cost-effective than the purchase of a property that is ready for occupancy, because the modernization costs do not incur any additional purchase costs. Here the clear advantage lies in the inexpensive hourly wages of the Hungarian craftsmen. Risks lie in the quality (botched construction and rip-offs for foreigners). We have a network of trustworthy and capable craft companies – depending on the workload, however, there may be longer waiting times.

5 year Speculation Period

In the event of a later sale in compliance with local tax laws: The Hungarian legislator sees one Speculation period of 5 years, which must elapse between purchase and sale. Only then is the profit from the appreciation of real estate tax free .

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